Wildfire Division

No Embers Solution



About No Embers

No Embers is an aqeuous solution that can assist firemen and home owners in saving homes from wildfires in Wildland Urban Interface zones, as well as fires spreading from home to home in urban communities.  

No Embers can be applied by a conventional sprayer achieving a thin coating. 


No Embers is an environmentally friendly alternative to water based and foam fire extinguishing agents. It works as well as foam to put out fires but without the environmental liabilities. In recent years AFFF or aqueous film forming foams have come under great scrutiny for all of their health hazards. Even most “environmentally friendly” foams can have significant toxicity. No Embers has very low toxicity (see our toxicity tests) and very little is used making this a truly “green” choice. Our product is a completely new formulation and protected by several worldwide patents.


It's Simple: 

When No Embers comes in contact with intense heat (either from on oncoming fire or from small airborne embers) the solution turns into a protective crust/char, which insulates the interior substance/structure, where the fuel resides. The char is stable to intense heat and protects the underlying wood. The fire cannot continue burning or is greatly slowed because it cannot reach the fuel in the underlying wood.  

No Embers can also be sprayed directly into a fire with excellent fire extinguishing ability.

No Embers solution can be used in two ways:

1) No Embers can be applied in advance of a fire and it will protect the underlying wood from ignition. It also prevents against ember formation, a major cause of fire propagation.

2) No Embers can be used to directly attack and extinguish a fire. It is extremely effective in both situations.

Please see our video demonstrations

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